PageList.size is always zero

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ height:90px;width:728px;box-sizing:border-box;


Actually, I am new to Paging Library. Here is situation, i'm observing PagedList from my ViewModel which is always returning zero even news list appeared on UI.

 viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> {
Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 0**

My DataSource is

public class NewsDataSource extends ItemKeyedDataSource<String, News> {

private MutableLiveData<Resource.Status> netStatusLive = new MutableLiveData<>();

/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

private List<News> localNewsList = new ArrayList<>();

public NewsDataSource( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/) {
/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public void loadInitial(@NonNull LoadInitialParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadInitialCallback<News> callback) {
Disposable disposable = /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/


public void loadAfter(@NonNull LoadParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadCallback<News> callback) {
if (localNewsList.size() > 19) {
Disposable disposable = /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/


private String getLastIdOfNews(List<News> localNewsList) {
if (localNewsList.size() <= 0) {
return "android";
} else {
return localNewsList.get(localNewsList.size() - 1).getId();

public void loadBefore(@NonNull LoadParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadCallback<News> callback) {
//do nothing...

public String getKey(@NonNull News item) {
return item.getId();

private void onPaginationError(Throwable throwable) {

public LiveData<Resource.Status> getNetworkState() {
return netStatusLive;


In this case localNewsList is require to give last id of News on loadAfter which is like

Observable<List<News>> getNewsList(@Query("skip") int skip,
@Query("limit") int limit,
@Query("lastNewsId") String lastNewsId);

My DataSourceFactory is

    public class NewsDataSourceFactory extends DataSource.Factory<String, Journal> {
private MutableLiveData<JournalDataSource> dataSourceLive = new MutableLiveData<>();

/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public NewsDataSourceFactory( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/) {
/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public DataSource<String, Journal> create() {
JournalDataSource dataSource = new JournalDataSource( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/);
return dataSource;

public void prepareData(String coursId, String studnetId) {
this.coursId = coursId;
this.studnetId = studnetId;

public MutableLiveData<JournalDataSource> getDataSource() {
return dataSourceLive;

ViewModle is

public class NewsViewModel extends ViewModel {

private LiveData<PagedList<News>> newslist = new MutableLiveData<>();
private LiveData<Resource.Status> networkState = new MutableLiveData<>();

private NewsDataSourceFactory factory;

private PagedList.Config config;

private Executor executor;

NewsViewModel(NewsDataSourceFactory factory, PagedList.Config config) {
this.factory = factory;
this.config = config;

executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);

networkState = Transformations.switchMap(factory.getDataSource(), source -> {
Timber.d("network status get");
return source.getNetworkState();

public void getNews(String courseId, String studentId) {
//Newss = repo.getNewss(auth, courseId, studentId, 0, 20, "android");
factory.prepareData(courseId, studentId);
newslist = new LivePagedListBuilder<>(factory, config).setFetchExecutor(executor).build();

public void refresh() {

public LiveData<PagedList<News>> getNews() {
return newslist;

public LiveData<Resource.Status> getNetworkState() {
return networkState;

I think, my problem may be mismatch my datasource use case and my datasource type.So PageList doesn't work properly as we expected.

share|improve this question

  • not quite sure but can u please change the %s to %d ... and check

    – Solaiman Hossain
    Oct 30 '18 at 4:45

  • Thanks you for answering. I tried.But I thinks it doesn't deal with my situation.

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Oct 30 '18 at 5:10

  • Can you post your Factory class

    – Ümañg ßürmån
    Nov 8 '18 at 17:12

  • @Ümañgßürmån I updated

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Nov 9 '18 at 3:07

  • can you add your ViewModel ?

    – Zwal Pyae Kyaw
    Nov 12 '18 at 7:42


Actually, I am new to Paging Library. Here is situation, i'm observing PagedList from my ViewModel which is always returning zero even news list appeared on UI.

 viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> {
Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 0**

My DataSource is

public class NewsDataSource extends ItemKeyedDataSource<String, News> {

private MutableLiveData<Resource.Status> netStatusLive = new MutableLiveData<>();

/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

private List<News> localNewsList = new ArrayList<>();

public NewsDataSource( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/) {
/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public void loadInitial(@NonNull LoadInitialParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadInitialCallback<News> callback) {
Disposable disposable = /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/


public void loadAfter(@NonNull LoadParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadCallback<News> callback) {
if (localNewsList.size() > 19) {
Disposable disposable = /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/


private String getLastIdOfNews(List<News> localNewsList) {
if (localNewsList.size() <= 0) {
return "android";
} else {
return localNewsList.get(localNewsList.size() - 1).getId();

public void loadBefore(@NonNull LoadParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadCallback<News> callback) {
//do nothing...

public String getKey(@NonNull News item) {
return item.getId();

private void onPaginationError(Throwable throwable) {

public LiveData<Resource.Status> getNetworkState() {
return netStatusLive;


In this case localNewsList is require to give last id of News on loadAfter which is like

Observable<List<News>> getNewsList(@Query("skip") int skip,
@Query("limit") int limit,
@Query("lastNewsId") String lastNewsId);

My DataSourceFactory is

    public class NewsDataSourceFactory extends DataSource.Factory<String, Journal> {
private MutableLiveData<JournalDataSource> dataSourceLive = new MutableLiveData<>();

/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public NewsDataSourceFactory( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/) {
/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public DataSource<String, Journal> create() {
JournalDataSource dataSource = new JournalDataSource( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/);
return dataSource;

public void prepareData(String coursId, String studnetId) {
this.coursId = coursId;
this.studnetId = studnetId;

public MutableLiveData<JournalDataSource> getDataSource() {
return dataSourceLive;

ViewModle is

public class NewsViewModel extends ViewModel {

private LiveData<PagedList<News>> newslist = new MutableLiveData<>();
private LiveData<Resource.Status> networkState = new MutableLiveData<>();

private NewsDataSourceFactory factory;

private PagedList.Config config;

private Executor executor;

NewsViewModel(NewsDataSourceFactory factory, PagedList.Config config) {
this.factory = factory;
this.config = config;

executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);

networkState = Transformations.switchMap(factory.getDataSource(), source -> {
Timber.d("network status get");
return source.getNetworkState();

public void getNews(String courseId, String studentId) {
//Newss = repo.getNewss(auth, courseId, studentId, 0, 20, "android");
factory.prepareData(courseId, studentId);
newslist = new LivePagedListBuilder<>(factory, config).setFetchExecutor(executor).build();

public void refresh() {

public LiveData<PagedList<News>> getNews() {
return newslist;

public LiveData<Resource.Status> getNetworkState() {
return networkState;

I think, my problem may be mismatch my datasource use case and my datasource type.So PageList doesn't work properly as we expected.

share|improve this question

  • not quite sure but can u please change the %s to %d ... and check

    – Solaiman Hossain
    Oct 30 '18 at 4:45

  • Thanks you for answering. I tried.But I thinks it doesn't deal with my situation.

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Oct 30 '18 at 5:10

  • Can you post your Factory class

    – Ümañg ßürmån
    Nov 8 '18 at 17:12

  • @Ümañgßürmån I updated

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Nov 9 '18 at 3:07

  • can you add your ViewModel ?

    – Zwal Pyae Kyaw
    Nov 12 '18 at 7:42





Actually, I am new to Paging Library. Here is situation, i'm observing PagedList from my ViewModel which is always returning zero even news list appeared on UI.

 viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> {
Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 0**

My DataSource is

public class NewsDataSource extends ItemKeyedDataSource<String, News> {

private MutableLiveData<Resource.Status> netStatusLive = new MutableLiveData<>();

/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

private List<News> localNewsList = new ArrayList<>();

public NewsDataSource( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/) {
/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public void loadInitial(@NonNull LoadInitialParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadInitialCallback<News> callback) {
Disposable disposable = /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/


public void loadAfter(@NonNull LoadParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadCallback<News> callback) {
if (localNewsList.size() > 19) {
Disposable disposable = /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/


private String getLastIdOfNews(List<News> localNewsList) {
if (localNewsList.size() <= 0) {
return "android";
} else {
return localNewsList.get(localNewsList.size() - 1).getId();

public void loadBefore(@NonNull LoadParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadCallback<News> callback) {
//do nothing...

public String getKey(@NonNull News item) {
return item.getId();

private void onPaginationError(Throwable throwable) {

public LiveData<Resource.Status> getNetworkState() {
return netStatusLive;


In this case localNewsList is require to give last id of News on loadAfter which is like

Observable<List<News>> getNewsList(@Query("skip") int skip,
@Query("limit") int limit,
@Query("lastNewsId") String lastNewsId);

My DataSourceFactory is

    public class NewsDataSourceFactory extends DataSource.Factory<String, Journal> {
private MutableLiveData<JournalDataSource> dataSourceLive = new MutableLiveData<>();

/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public NewsDataSourceFactory( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/) {
/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public DataSource<String, Journal> create() {
JournalDataSource dataSource = new JournalDataSource( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/);
return dataSource;

public void prepareData(String coursId, String studnetId) {
this.coursId = coursId;
this.studnetId = studnetId;

public MutableLiveData<JournalDataSource> getDataSource() {
return dataSourceLive;

ViewModle is

public class NewsViewModel extends ViewModel {

private LiveData<PagedList<News>> newslist = new MutableLiveData<>();
private LiveData<Resource.Status> networkState = new MutableLiveData<>();

private NewsDataSourceFactory factory;

private PagedList.Config config;

private Executor executor;

NewsViewModel(NewsDataSourceFactory factory, PagedList.Config config) {
this.factory = factory;
this.config = config;

executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);

networkState = Transformations.switchMap(factory.getDataSource(), source -> {
Timber.d("network status get");
return source.getNetworkState();

public void getNews(String courseId, String studentId) {
//Newss = repo.getNewss(auth, courseId, studentId, 0, 20, "android");
factory.prepareData(courseId, studentId);
newslist = new LivePagedListBuilder<>(factory, config).setFetchExecutor(executor).build();

public void refresh() {

public LiveData<PagedList<News>> getNews() {
return newslist;

public LiveData<Resource.Status> getNetworkState() {
return networkState;

I think, my problem may be mismatch my datasource use case and my datasource type.So PageList doesn't work properly as we expected.

share|improve this question

Actually, I am new to Paging Library. Here is situation, i'm observing PagedList from my ViewModel which is always returning zero even news list appeared on UI.

 viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> {
Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 0**

My DataSource is

public class NewsDataSource extends ItemKeyedDataSource<String, News> {

private MutableLiveData<Resource.Status> netStatusLive = new MutableLiveData<>();

/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

private List<News> localNewsList = new ArrayList<>();

public NewsDataSource( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/) {
/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public void loadInitial(@NonNull LoadInitialParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadInitialCallback<News> callback) {
Disposable disposable = /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/


public void loadAfter(@NonNull LoadParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadCallback<News> callback) {
if (localNewsList.size() > 19) {
Disposable disposable = /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/


private String getLastIdOfNews(List<News> localNewsList) {
if (localNewsList.size() <= 0) {
return "android";
} else {
return localNewsList.get(localNewsList.size() - 1).getId();

public void loadBefore(@NonNull LoadParams<String> params, @NonNull LoadCallback<News> callback) {
//do nothing...

public String getKey(@NonNull News item) {
return item.getId();

private void onPaginationError(Throwable throwable) {

public LiveData<Resource.Status> getNetworkState() {
return netStatusLive;


In this case localNewsList is require to give last id of News on loadAfter which is like

Observable<List<News>> getNewsList(@Query("skip") int skip,
@Query("limit") int limit,
@Query("lastNewsId") String lastNewsId);

My DataSourceFactory is

    public class NewsDataSourceFactory extends DataSource.Factory<String, Journal> {
private MutableLiveData<JournalDataSource> dataSourceLive = new MutableLiveData<>();

/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public NewsDataSourceFactory( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/) {
/*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/

public DataSource<String, Journal> create() {
JournalDataSource dataSource = new JournalDataSource( /*Hide Logic for clean purpose*/);
return dataSource;

public void prepareData(String coursId, String studnetId) {
this.coursId = coursId;
this.studnetId = studnetId;

public MutableLiveData<JournalDataSource> getDataSource() {
return dataSourceLive;

ViewModle is

public class NewsViewModel extends ViewModel {

private LiveData<PagedList<News>> newslist = new MutableLiveData<>();
private LiveData<Resource.Status> networkState = new MutableLiveData<>();

private NewsDataSourceFactory factory;

private PagedList.Config config;

private Executor executor;

NewsViewModel(NewsDataSourceFactory factory, PagedList.Config config) {
this.factory = factory;
this.config = config;

executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);

networkState = Transformations.switchMap(factory.getDataSource(), source -> {
Timber.d("network status get");
return source.getNetworkState();

public void getNews(String courseId, String studentId) {
//Newss = repo.getNewss(auth, courseId, studentId, 0, 20, "android");
factory.prepareData(courseId, studentId);
newslist = new LivePagedListBuilder<>(factory, config).setFetchExecutor(executor).build();

public void refresh() {

public LiveData<PagedList<News>> getNews() {
return newslist;

public LiveData<Resource.Status> getNetworkState() {
return networkState;

I think, my problem may be mismatch my datasource use case and my datasource type.So PageList doesn't work properly as we expected.

android android-architecture-components android-jetpack android-paging

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share|improve this question

edited Nov 14 '18 at 7:48

Lwin Myo Aung

asked Oct 30 '18 at 4:25

Lwin Myo AungLwin Myo Aung



  • not quite sure but can u please change the %s to %d ... and check

    – Solaiman Hossain
    Oct 30 '18 at 4:45

  • Thanks you for answering. I tried.But I thinks it doesn't deal with my situation.

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Oct 30 '18 at 5:10

  • Can you post your Factory class

    – Ümañg ßürmån
    Nov 8 '18 at 17:12

  • @Ümañgßürmån I updated

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Nov 9 '18 at 3:07

  • can you add your ViewModel ?

    – Zwal Pyae Kyaw
    Nov 12 '18 at 7:42

  • not quite sure but can u please change the %s to %d ... and check

    – Solaiman Hossain
    Oct 30 '18 at 4:45

  • Thanks you for answering. I tried.But I thinks it doesn't deal with my situation.

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Oct 30 '18 at 5:10

  • Can you post your Factory class

    – Ümañg ßürmån
    Nov 8 '18 at 17:12

  • @Ümañgßürmån I updated

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Nov 9 '18 at 3:07

  • can you add your ViewModel ?

    – Zwal Pyae Kyaw
    Nov 12 '18 at 7:42

not quite sure but can u please change the %s to %d ... and check

– Solaiman Hossain
Oct 30 '18 at 4:45

not quite sure but can u please change the %s to %d ... and check

– Solaiman Hossain
Oct 30 '18 at 4:45

Thanks you for answering. I tried.But I thinks it doesn't deal with my situation.

– Lwin Myo Aung
Oct 30 '18 at 5:10

Thanks you for answering. I tried.But I thinks it doesn't deal with my situation.

– Lwin Myo Aung
Oct 30 '18 at 5:10

Can you post your Factory class

– Ümañg ßürmån
Nov 8 '18 at 17:12

Can you post your Factory class

– Ümañg ßürmån
Nov 8 '18 at 17:12

@Ümañgßürmån I updated

– Lwin Myo Aung
Nov 9 '18 at 3:07

@Ümañgßürmån I updated

– Lwin Myo Aung
Nov 9 '18 at 3:07

can you add your ViewModel ?

– Zwal Pyae Kyaw
Nov 12 '18 at 7:42

can you add your ViewModel ?

– Zwal Pyae Kyaw
Nov 12 '18 at 7:42

1 Answer





According to Android Paging Library Doc, You should call Api synchronous !
If you use RxRetrofit just remove observeOn() and subscribeOn() to run api on current thread that paging library use .
I tested it and it works fine for me .

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Thank you!. It worked. However, It respond only one time to observer( currently viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> { Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 20** //..... });. The things I need is , when i scrolled the list, it should show ,40, 60, and so on ..

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Nov 27 '18 at 3:11

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1 Answer











According to Android Paging Library Doc, You should call Api synchronous !
If you use RxRetrofit just remove observeOn() and subscribeOn() to run api on current thread that paging library use .
I tested it and it works fine for me .

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Thank you!. It worked. However, It respond only one time to observer( currently viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> { Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 20** //..... });. The things I need is , when i scrolled the list, it should show ,40, 60, and so on ..

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Nov 27 '18 at 3:11


According to Android Paging Library Doc, You should call Api synchronous !
If you use RxRetrofit just remove observeOn() and subscribeOn() to run api on current thread that paging library use .
I tested it and it works fine for me .

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Thank you!. It worked. However, It respond only one time to observer( currently viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> { Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 20** //..... });. The things I need is , when i scrolled the list, it should show ,40, 60, and so on ..

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Nov 27 '18 at 3:11




According to Android Paging Library Doc, You should call Api synchronous !
If you use RxRetrofit just remove observeOn() and subscribeOn() to run api on current thread that paging library use .
I tested it and it works fine for me .

share|improve this answer

According to Android Paging Library Doc, You should call Api synchronous !
If you use RxRetrofit just remove observeOn() and subscribeOn() to run api on current thread that paging library use .
I tested it and it works fine for me .

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Nov 26 '18 at 14:38

Keyvan NorouziKeyvan Norouzi



  • 1

    Thank you!. It worked. However, It respond only one time to observer( currently viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> { Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 20** //..... });. The things I need is , when i scrolled the list, it should show ,40, 60, and so on ..

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Nov 27 '18 at 3:11

  • 1

    Thank you!. It worked. However, It respond only one time to observer( currently viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> { Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 20** //..... });. The things I need is , when i scrolled the list, it should show ,40, 60, and so on ..

    – Lwin Myo Aung
    Nov 27 '18 at 3:11



Thank you!. It worked. However, It respond only one time to observer( currently viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> { Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 20** //..... });. The things I need is , when i scrolled the list, it should show ,40, 60, and so on ..

– Lwin Myo Aung
Nov 27 '18 at 3:11

Thank you!. It worked. However, It respond only one time to observer( currently viewModel.getNews().observe(this, news -> { Timber.d("news size is %s",news.size());// **news size is 20** //..... });. The things I need is , when i scrolled the list, it should show ,40, 60, and so on ..

– Lwin Myo Aung
Nov 27 '18 at 3:11

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