
Showing posts from February 16, 2019

Is a smooth function with compact support in $mathbb{R}$ can be written as the convolution of two square...

1 $begingroup$ Suppose h is smooth compact supported function on $mathbb{R}$ . How to show that there exist $f, g in L^2(mathbb{R}, m)$ , where $m$ is the usual Lebsegue measure, such that $h = f * g $ , where $*$ denotes the convolution? real-analysis functional-analysis fourier-transform convolution share | cite | improve this question asked Dec 16 '18 at 21:15 chelsea chelsea 6 1 $endgroup$ add a comment  |  ...

SweetAlert 2 pass values over Ajax Request doesn't work

1 I'm new to js programming. At the moment, I'm trying to pass the values of a sweetaler pop up to my php query. But it doesnt work.(If i Push the confirm button, the form is going to be closed and nothing happens). This is my js code. function ChangePassword(){ swal({ title: 'Kennwort ändern', html: '<input id="swal-input1" placeholder ="altes Kennwort" class="swal2-input">' + '<input id="swal-input2" placeholder ="neues Kennwort" class="swal2-input">' + '<input id="swal-input3" placeholder ="Kennwort wiederholen" class="swal2-input">', focusConfirm: false }) .then(function(isConfirm) { $.ajax({ ty...