I have a process which moves files to a processing folder with a pig script as MapReduce2 task in part of a hadoop workflow. I have seen copies fail recently resulting in a partial move of the files. When the job then next re-runs there is an error as the pig script will try to move the file file again but as there is a partial of the file at the target location it will fail. There is no option in pig to move with replace. I could do a copy and delete but the risk with this is that while the copy is in progress another file could be uploaded to HDFS what wasn't included in the origional copy operation and then when I run the delete all I also delete a file that has yet to be moved to the processing directory. I know there is no force replace on move but is there a way to create a list of all the files that...
Die Deutsche Zentralstelle für Genealogie (DZfG) in Leipzig ist eine dem Staatsarchiv Leipzig als Referat 33 eingegliederte Einrichtung des Sächsischen Staatsarchivs und hat die Aufgabe, aus dem gesamten deutschen Sprachraum personen- und familiengeschichtliche Publikationen, insbesondere auch ungedruckte Vorarbeiten dazu, zu sammeln, zu archivieren, zu sichern, zu erschließen und der interessierten Öffentlichkeit sowie zur Unterstützung wissenschaftlicher Forschungen im Rahmen historischer, soziologischer, demographischer, namenkundlicher, humangenetischer oder juristischer Fragestellungen bereitzustellen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Rechtsgrundlage 2 Geschichte 3 Vorliegendes Archivgut 3.1 Schwierigkeiten 3.2 Benutzung und Service 4 Zur Rechtsstellung der Leipziger Zentralstelle 5 Bestandsverzeichnisse der Deutschen Zentralstelle für Genealogie 6 Literatur 7 Weblinks 8 Einzelnachweise Rechtsgrundlage | Das Archivgesetz für den Fre...
I have an Arduino sketch that sends some string via Bluetooth module (I'm using HC-06) and everything works great, tested it out in PuTTY. Now. I'm new to Android developing and can't seem to find any good tutorial or piece of code that would wait for data from Bluetooth and print it to a textbox. Some are either outdated or are only about connecting and disconnecting from Bluetooth and seem to differ one from another. Or either there are huge amount of code with barely information or only snippets without notes where they go or what they are supposed to do.
android bluetooth
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asked Nov 20 at 17:07