
Showing posts from March 20, 2019

Angular CDK connect overlay with scroll to container

0 (First post here, so bear with me) I have a table inside a container where I display an icon for rows that meet certain criterias. Clicking the icon should open an overlay to display some information, and the overlay should stay open even if I scroll inside the container. The scroll initially followed the body of the page, so I started creating a custom strategy. However, I cannot get it to follow the table scroll. The overlay sticks in one place and does not move accordingly. Overlay is generated as below. Any tips on how this is generally solved would be appreciated! private createOverlay() { const positionStrategy = this.overlay.position() .flexibleConnectedTo(this.overlayorigin.elementRef) .withFlexibleDimensions(false) .withPush(false) .withPositions([ { ...

differential of integration over fibers

0 $begingroup$ Is there a way to express the differential of a fiber integral that is similar to Reynolds transport problem or Leibniz rule? Here is the following setting: Let $pi: Xmapsto Y$ be a fiber bundle on two compact connected manifolds and $f$ a smooth function on $X$ . By the co-area formula we have that: $int_X f(x)dx = int_Y int_{F_y}f(x)NJpi(x) ^{-1}dF_y dy$ where $F_y = pi^{-1}(y)$ and $NJpi(x)$ is the normal jacobian $NJpi(x) = det (dpi_xcirc dpi_x^*)^{frac{1}{2}}$ . One can consider the fiber integral: $g(y) = int_{F_y}f(x)NJpi(x) ^{-1}dF_y$ The question is the following: Is there an expression for the differential of $g$ : $d_yg$ in terms of $f$ and $pi$ ? integration derivatives differential-geometry fiber-bundles ...
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