Rational solution to a system of equations


Some context.

  • By rational subspace, I mean a subspace of $mathbb R^5$ which admits a rational basis. In other words, a basis formed with vectors of $mathbb Q^5$.

  • For instance, the vector $v=(0,pi,3pi,pi-pi^2)$ is in a rational subspace of dimension $2$ since:

$$v=pibegin{pmatrix} 0 \ 1 \ 3 \ 1end{pmatrix}+pi^2begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ -1end{pmatrix}.$$

The question.

Let $A=mathrm{Span}(Y_1,Y_2,Y_3)$ where

$$Y_1=begin{pmatrix} 1 \ 0 \ 0 \ sqrt 6 \ sqrt {15} end{pmatrix},quad Y_2=begin{pmatrix} 0 \ sqrt{6} \ 0 \ -sqrt {15} \ sqrt {10} end{pmatrix}quadtext { and }quad Y_3=begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ sqrt{15} \ sqrt {10} \ sqrt {6} end{pmatrix}.$$

Does there exist a rational subspace $B$ of $mathbb R^5$, of dimension $2$, such that $Acap Bne{0}$?

I believe the answer to be negative.

What I tried.

For $Yin A$, let's denote by $Y_1,ldots,Y_5inmathbb R$ its coordinates. We can prove the following lemma.

Lemma. The answer to the question is negative, if, and only if,

$$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(Y_1,ldots,Y_5)ge 3.$$

I tried to investigate what such a rational subspace $B$ would look like. Let's take $B$, a rational subspace of $mathbb R^5$ of dimension $2$, such that $Acap Bne{0}$.

Let $Y:=alpha Y_1+beta Y_2+gamma Y_3$ be a vector in $Asetminus{0}$.

We have

$$alpha Y_1+beta Y_2+gamma Y_3=begin{pmatrix} alpha \ betasqrt 6 \ gamma sqrt {15} \ alphasqrt 6-betasqrt {15} +gammasqrt{10} \ alphasqrt{15}+betasqrt{10}+gammasqrt{6}end{pmatrix}.$$

If we assume (to try to get somewhere) that

$$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(alpha,sqrt{6}beta)=2,$$

then the last three coordinates of $Y$ must be a rational linear combination of the first two, i.e. there exists $x_1,ldots,x_6inmathbb Q$ such that

$$begin{cases}gamma sqrt {15}=x_1alpha+x_2betasqrt 6 \ alphasqrt 6-betasqrt {15} +gammasqrt{10}= x_3alpha+x_4betasqrt 6 \ alphasqrt{15}+betasqrt{10}+gammasqrt{6}=x_5alpha+x_6betasqrt 6end{cases}$$

which can be rewrite

$$MX=0quadtext{ with } quad M=begin{pmatrix} -x_1 & -x_2sqrt 6 & sqrt{15} \ sqrt{6}-x_3 & -sqrt{15}-x_4sqrt 6 & sqrt{10} \ sqrt{15}-x_5 & sqrt{10}- x_6sqrt 6 & sqrt 6 end{pmatrix}quad text{ and }quad X=begin{pmatrix} alpha \ beta\ gammaend{pmatrix}.$$

So if $det(M)ne 0$, we have won, since $(alpha,beta,gamma)=(0,0,0)$ is the only solution, thus $Y=0$ which is absurd.

Let's compute $det(M)$ then:

$$det(M)=Asqrt{15}+Bsqrt{10}+Csqrt 6+D,$$

with $A,B,C,Dinmathbb Q$ depending on the $x_i$. Since

$$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(sqrt 6,sqrt{10},sqrt{15}))=3,$$

and $A,B,C,Dinmathbb Q$, if we assume $det(M)=0$, we must have


The computations give

$$(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$$

The question can now be reformulated as follow:

Does the system $(mathscr S)$ has rational solutions?

If we try to solve the system, we can end up with this expression:

$frac{20 , x_{1} x_{3}^{2} x_{5} + 12 , x_{1}^{3} - 30 , x_{1}^{2} x_{3} + 20 , x_{1}^{2} x_{5} + 30 , x_{3}^{2} x_{5} - 30 , x_{1} x_{5}^{2} - 75 , x_{3} x_{5}^{2} + 186 , x_{1}^{2} - 225 , x_{3}^{2} + 120 , x_{1} x_{5} - 90 , x_{5}^{2} + 450 , x_{1} + 1125 , x_{3} + 180 , x_{5}}{2 , x_{1} x_{5} + 5 , x_{3} x_{5} + 6 , x_{5}}=0.$

The question is then to understand if this surface in $mathbb R^3$ has rational points. If you are curious about it, this is what the numerator looks like:

enter image description here

Final remarks.

This question really interests me, but I feel quite stuck about it. May be my whole approach isn't going to help. Any hints, references or piece of solutions would be much appreciated.

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    Some context.

    • By rational subspace, I mean a subspace of $mathbb R^5$ which admits a rational basis. In other words, a basis formed with vectors of $mathbb Q^5$.

    • For instance, the vector $v=(0,pi,3pi,pi-pi^2)$ is in a rational subspace of dimension $2$ since:

    $$v=pibegin{pmatrix} 0 \ 1 \ 3 \ 1end{pmatrix}+pi^2begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ -1end{pmatrix}.$$

    The question.

    Let $A=mathrm{Span}(Y_1,Y_2,Y_3)$ where

    $$Y_1=begin{pmatrix} 1 \ 0 \ 0 \ sqrt 6 \ sqrt {15} end{pmatrix},quad Y_2=begin{pmatrix} 0 \ sqrt{6} \ 0 \ -sqrt {15} \ sqrt {10} end{pmatrix}quadtext { and }quad Y_3=begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ sqrt{15} \ sqrt {10} \ sqrt {6} end{pmatrix}.$$

    Does there exist a rational subspace $B$ of $mathbb R^5$, of dimension $2$, such that $Acap Bne{0}$?

    I believe the answer to be negative.

    What I tried.

    For $Yin A$, let's denote by $Y_1,ldots,Y_5inmathbb R$ its coordinates. We can prove the following lemma.

    Lemma. The answer to the question is negative, if, and only if,

    $$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(Y_1,ldots,Y_5)ge 3.$$

    I tried to investigate what such a rational subspace $B$ would look like. Let's take $B$, a rational subspace of $mathbb R^5$ of dimension $2$, such that $Acap Bne{0}$.

    Let $Y:=alpha Y_1+beta Y_2+gamma Y_3$ be a vector in $Asetminus{0}$.

    We have

    $$alpha Y_1+beta Y_2+gamma Y_3=begin{pmatrix} alpha \ betasqrt 6 \ gamma sqrt {15} \ alphasqrt 6-betasqrt {15} +gammasqrt{10} \ alphasqrt{15}+betasqrt{10}+gammasqrt{6}end{pmatrix}.$$

    If we assume (to try to get somewhere) that

    $$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(alpha,sqrt{6}beta)=2,$$

    then the last three coordinates of $Y$ must be a rational linear combination of the first two, i.e. there exists $x_1,ldots,x_6inmathbb Q$ such that

    $$begin{cases}gamma sqrt {15}=x_1alpha+x_2betasqrt 6 \ alphasqrt 6-betasqrt {15} +gammasqrt{10}= x_3alpha+x_4betasqrt 6 \ alphasqrt{15}+betasqrt{10}+gammasqrt{6}=x_5alpha+x_6betasqrt 6end{cases}$$

    which can be rewrite

    $$MX=0quadtext{ with } quad M=begin{pmatrix} -x_1 & -x_2sqrt 6 & sqrt{15} \ sqrt{6}-x_3 & -sqrt{15}-x_4sqrt 6 & sqrt{10} \ sqrt{15}-x_5 & sqrt{10}- x_6sqrt 6 & sqrt 6 end{pmatrix}quad text{ and }quad X=begin{pmatrix} alpha \ beta\ gammaend{pmatrix}.$$

    So if $det(M)ne 0$, we have won, since $(alpha,beta,gamma)=(0,0,0)$ is the only solution, thus $Y=0$ which is absurd.

    Let's compute $det(M)$ then:

    $$det(M)=Asqrt{15}+Bsqrt{10}+Csqrt 6+D,$$

    with $A,B,C,Dinmathbb Q$ depending on the $x_i$. Since

    $$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(sqrt 6,sqrt{10},sqrt{15}))=3,$$

    and $A,B,C,Dinmathbb Q$, if we assume $det(M)=0$, we must have


    The computations give

    $$(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$$

    The question can now be reformulated as follow:

    Does the system $(mathscr S)$ has rational solutions?

    If we try to solve the system, we can end up with this expression:

    $frac{20 , x_{1} x_{3}^{2} x_{5} + 12 , x_{1}^{3} - 30 , x_{1}^{2} x_{3} + 20 , x_{1}^{2} x_{5} + 30 , x_{3}^{2} x_{5} - 30 , x_{1} x_{5}^{2} - 75 , x_{3} x_{5}^{2} + 186 , x_{1}^{2} - 225 , x_{3}^{2} + 120 , x_{1} x_{5} - 90 , x_{5}^{2} + 450 , x_{1} + 1125 , x_{3} + 180 , x_{5}}{2 , x_{1} x_{5} + 5 , x_{3} x_{5} + 6 , x_{5}}=0.$

    The question is then to understand if this surface in $mathbb R^3$ has rational points. If you are curious about it, this is what the numerator looks like:

    enter image description here

    Final remarks.

    This question really interests me, but I feel quite stuck about it. May be my whole approach isn't going to help. Any hints, references or piece of solutions would be much appreciated.

    share|cite|improve this question




      Some context.

      • By rational subspace, I mean a subspace of $mathbb R^5$ which admits a rational basis. In other words, a basis formed with vectors of $mathbb Q^5$.

      • For instance, the vector $v=(0,pi,3pi,pi-pi^2)$ is in a rational subspace of dimension $2$ since:

      $$v=pibegin{pmatrix} 0 \ 1 \ 3 \ 1end{pmatrix}+pi^2begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ -1end{pmatrix}.$$

      The question.

      Let $A=mathrm{Span}(Y_1,Y_2,Y_3)$ where

      $$Y_1=begin{pmatrix} 1 \ 0 \ 0 \ sqrt 6 \ sqrt {15} end{pmatrix},quad Y_2=begin{pmatrix} 0 \ sqrt{6} \ 0 \ -sqrt {15} \ sqrt {10} end{pmatrix}quadtext { and }quad Y_3=begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ sqrt{15} \ sqrt {10} \ sqrt {6} end{pmatrix}.$$

      Does there exist a rational subspace $B$ of $mathbb R^5$, of dimension $2$, such that $Acap Bne{0}$?

      I believe the answer to be negative.

      What I tried.

      For $Yin A$, let's denote by $Y_1,ldots,Y_5inmathbb R$ its coordinates. We can prove the following lemma.

      Lemma. The answer to the question is negative, if, and only if,

      $$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(Y_1,ldots,Y_5)ge 3.$$

      I tried to investigate what such a rational subspace $B$ would look like. Let's take $B$, a rational subspace of $mathbb R^5$ of dimension $2$, such that $Acap Bne{0}$.

      Let $Y:=alpha Y_1+beta Y_2+gamma Y_3$ be a vector in $Asetminus{0}$.

      We have

      $$alpha Y_1+beta Y_2+gamma Y_3=begin{pmatrix} alpha \ betasqrt 6 \ gamma sqrt {15} \ alphasqrt 6-betasqrt {15} +gammasqrt{10} \ alphasqrt{15}+betasqrt{10}+gammasqrt{6}end{pmatrix}.$$

      If we assume (to try to get somewhere) that

      $$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(alpha,sqrt{6}beta)=2,$$

      then the last three coordinates of $Y$ must be a rational linear combination of the first two, i.e. there exists $x_1,ldots,x_6inmathbb Q$ such that

      $$begin{cases}gamma sqrt {15}=x_1alpha+x_2betasqrt 6 \ alphasqrt 6-betasqrt {15} +gammasqrt{10}= x_3alpha+x_4betasqrt 6 \ alphasqrt{15}+betasqrt{10}+gammasqrt{6}=x_5alpha+x_6betasqrt 6end{cases}$$

      which can be rewrite

      $$MX=0quadtext{ with } quad M=begin{pmatrix} -x_1 & -x_2sqrt 6 & sqrt{15} \ sqrt{6}-x_3 & -sqrt{15}-x_4sqrt 6 & sqrt{10} \ sqrt{15}-x_5 & sqrt{10}- x_6sqrt 6 & sqrt 6 end{pmatrix}quad text{ and }quad X=begin{pmatrix} alpha \ beta\ gammaend{pmatrix}.$$

      So if $det(M)ne 0$, we have won, since $(alpha,beta,gamma)=(0,0,0)$ is the only solution, thus $Y=0$ which is absurd.

      Let's compute $det(M)$ then:

      $$det(M)=Asqrt{15}+Bsqrt{10}+Csqrt 6+D,$$

      with $A,B,C,Dinmathbb Q$ depending on the $x_i$. Since

      $$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(sqrt 6,sqrt{10},sqrt{15}))=3,$$

      and $A,B,C,Dinmathbb Q$, if we assume $det(M)=0$, we must have


      The computations give

      $$(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$$

      The question can now be reformulated as follow:

      Does the system $(mathscr S)$ has rational solutions?

      If we try to solve the system, we can end up with this expression:

      $frac{20 , x_{1} x_{3}^{2} x_{5} + 12 , x_{1}^{3} - 30 , x_{1}^{2} x_{3} + 20 , x_{1}^{2} x_{5} + 30 , x_{3}^{2} x_{5} - 30 , x_{1} x_{5}^{2} - 75 , x_{3} x_{5}^{2} + 186 , x_{1}^{2} - 225 , x_{3}^{2} + 120 , x_{1} x_{5} - 90 , x_{5}^{2} + 450 , x_{1} + 1125 , x_{3} + 180 , x_{5}}{2 , x_{1} x_{5} + 5 , x_{3} x_{5} + 6 , x_{5}}=0.$

      The question is then to understand if this surface in $mathbb R^3$ has rational points. If you are curious about it, this is what the numerator looks like:

      enter image description here

      Final remarks.

      This question really interests me, but I feel quite stuck about it. May be my whole approach isn't going to help. Any hints, references or piece of solutions would be much appreciated.

      share|cite|improve this question

      Some context.

      • By rational subspace, I mean a subspace of $mathbb R^5$ which admits a rational basis. In other words, a basis formed with vectors of $mathbb Q^5$.

      • For instance, the vector $v=(0,pi,3pi,pi-pi^2)$ is in a rational subspace of dimension $2$ since:

      $$v=pibegin{pmatrix} 0 \ 1 \ 3 \ 1end{pmatrix}+pi^2begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ -1end{pmatrix}.$$

      The question.

      Let $A=mathrm{Span}(Y_1,Y_2,Y_3)$ where

      $$Y_1=begin{pmatrix} 1 \ 0 \ 0 \ sqrt 6 \ sqrt {15} end{pmatrix},quad Y_2=begin{pmatrix} 0 \ sqrt{6} \ 0 \ -sqrt {15} \ sqrt {10} end{pmatrix}quadtext { and }quad Y_3=begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ sqrt{15} \ sqrt {10} \ sqrt {6} end{pmatrix}.$$

      Does there exist a rational subspace $B$ of $mathbb R^5$, of dimension $2$, such that $Acap Bne{0}$?

      I believe the answer to be negative.

      What I tried.

      For $Yin A$, let's denote by $Y_1,ldots,Y_5inmathbb R$ its coordinates. We can prove the following lemma.

      Lemma. The answer to the question is negative, if, and only if,

      $$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(Y_1,ldots,Y_5)ge 3.$$

      I tried to investigate what such a rational subspace $B$ would look like. Let's take $B$, a rational subspace of $mathbb R^5$ of dimension $2$, such that $Acap Bne{0}$.

      Let $Y:=alpha Y_1+beta Y_2+gamma Y_3$ be a vector in $Asetminus{0}$.

      We have

      $$alpha Y_1+beta Y_2+gamma Y_3=begin{pmatrix} alpha \ betasqrt 6 \ gamma sqrt {15} \ alphasqrt 6-betasqrt {15} +gammasqrt{10} \ alphasqrt{15}+betasqrt{10}+gammasqrt{6}end{pmatrix}.$$

      If we assume (to try to get somewhere) that

      $$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(alpha,sqrt{6}beta)=2,$$

      then the last three coordinates of $Y$ must be a rational linear combination of the first two, i.e. there exists $x_1,ldots,x_6inmathbb Q$ such that

      $$begin{cases}gamma sqrt {15}=x_1alpha+x_2betasqrt 6 \ alphasqrt 6-betasqrt {15} +gammasqrt{10}= x_3alpha+x_4betasqrt 6 \ alphasqrt{15}+betasqrt{10}+gammasqrt{6}=x_5alpha+x_6betasqrt 6end{cases}$$

      which can be rewrite

      $$MX=0quadtext{ with } quad M=begin{pmatrix} -x_1 & -x_2sqrt 6 & sqrt{15} \ sqrt{6}-x_3 & -sqrt{15}-x_4sqrt 6 & sqrt{10} \ sqrt{15}-x_5 & sqrt{10}- x_6sqrt 6 & sqrt 6 end{pmatrix}quad text{ and }quad X=begin{pmatrix} alpha \ beta\ gammaend{pmatrix}.$$

      So if $det(M)ne 0$, we have won, since $(alpha,beta,gamma)=(0,0,0)$ is the only solution, thus $Y=0$ which is absurd.

      Let's compute $det(M)$ then:

      $$det(M)=Asqrt{15}+Bsqrt{10}+Csqrt 6+D,$$

      with $A,B,C,Dinmathbb Q$ depending on the $x_i$. Since

      $$dim_{mathbb Q}(mathrm{Span}_{mathbb Q}(sqrt 6,sqrt{10},sqrt{15}))=3,$$

      and $A,B,C,Dinmathbb Q$, if we assume $det(M)=0$, we must have


      The computations give

      $$(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$$

      The question can now be reformulated as follow:

      Does the system $(mathscr S)$ has rational solutions?

      If we try to solve the system, we can end up with this expression:

      $frac{20 , x_{1} x_{3}^{2} x_{5} + 12 , x_{1}^{3} - 30 , x_{1}^{2} x_{3} + 20 , x_{1}^{2} x_{5} + 30 , x_{3}^{2} x_{5} - 30 , x_{1} x_{5}^{2} - 75 , x_{3} x_{5}^{2} + 186 , x_{1}^{2} - 225 , x_{3}^{2} + 120 , x_{1} x_{5} - 90 , x_{5}^{2} + 450 , x_{1} + 1125 , x_{3} + 180 , x_{5}}{2 , x_{1} x_{5} + 5 , x_{3} x_{5} + 6 , x_{5}}=0.$

      The question is then to understand if this surface in $mathbb R^3$ has rational points. If you are curious about it, this is what the numerator looks like:

      enter image description here

      Final remarks.

      This question really interests me, but I feel quite stuck about it. May be my whole approach isn't going to help. Any hints, references or piece of solutions would be much appreciated.

      linear-algebra number-theory vector-spaces diophantine-equations rational-numbers

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      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      asked Dec 1 '18 at 14:31

      E. Joseph



          2 Answers





          If your question boils down to the system,

          $$(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$$

          then, YES, this system has infinitely many rational solutions. If you let,

          $$x_1 = x_4 x_5-x_3 x_6$$
          $$x_2 = (5/6)(x_3-3x_4)$$
          $$x_5 =frac{-3(15-6x_6+2x_3x_6^2)}{5x_3-15x_4-6x_4x_6}$$

          This satisfies the first 3 equations and the 4th becomes a quadratic in $x_4$,

          $$text{Poly}_1 x_4^2+text{Poly}_2 x_4+text{Poly}_3=0$$

          You simply solve the linear equation,

          $$text{Poly}_1 = -155 + 25 x_3 - 38 x_6 + 20 x_3 x_6 = 0$$

          for $x_6$, thus,

          $$x_4 =-frac{text{Poly}_3}{text{Poly}_2}$$

          with free parameter $x_3$.

          share|cite|improve this answer


            Above simultaneous equations shown below has numerical solutions:

            $(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$







            The solution provided by Tito Piezas in this context

            actually requires solving a cubic equation instead of

            a quadratic equation as mentioned by him.

            (Note by Tito Piezas): My solution is a cubic in the variable $x_3$, but only a quadratic in $color{red}{x_4}$. This is easily verified using Mathematica.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the explicit solution.
              – E. Joseph
              Dec 2 '18 at 19:22

            • You are welcome
              – Sam
              Dec 2 '18 at 20:40

            • In my answer, I was careful to say it is a quadratic in the variable $color{red}{x_4}$. Your comment applies to the variable $x_3$.
              – Tito Piezas III
              2 days ago

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers











            If your question boils down to the system,

            $$(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$$

            then, YES, this system has infinitely many rational solutions. If you let,

            $$x_1 = x_4 x_5-x_3 x_6$$
            $$x_2 = (5/6)(x_3-3x_4)$$
            $$x_5 =frac{-3(15-6x_6+2x_3x_6^2)}{5x_3-15x_4-6x_4x_6}$$

            This satisfies the first 3 equations and the 4th becomes a quadratic in $x_4$,

            $$text{Poly}_1 x_4^2+text{Poly}_2 x_4+text{Poly}_3=0$$

            You simply solve the linear equation,

            $$text{Poly}_1 = -155 + 25 x_3 - 38 x_6 + 20 x_3 x_6 = 0$$

            for $x_6$, thus,

            $$x_4 =-frac{text{Poly}_3}{text{Poly}_2}$$

            with free parameter $x_3$.

            share|cite|improve this answer


              If your question boils down to the system,

              $$(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$$

              then, YES, this system has infinitely many rational solutions. If you let,

              $$x_1 = x_4 x_5-x_3 x_6$$
              $$x_2 = (5/6)(x_3-3x_4)$$
              $$x_5 =frac{-3(15-6x_6+2x_3x_6^2)}{5x_3-15x_4-6x_4x_6}$$

              This satisfies the first 3 equations and the 4th becomes a quadratic in $x_4$,

              $$text{Poly}_1 x_4^2+text{Poly}_2 x_4+text{Poly}_3=0$$

              You simply solve the linear equation,

              $$text{Poly}_1 = -155 + 25 x_3 - 38 x_6 + 20 x_3 x_6 = 0$$

              for $x_6$, thus,

              $$x_4 =-frac{text{Poly}_3}{text{Poly}_2}$$

              with free parameter $x_3$.

              share|cite|improve this answer




                If your question boils down to the system,

                $$(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$$

                then, YES, this system has infinitely many rational solutions. If you let,

                $$x_1 = x_4 x_5-x_3 x_6$$
                $$x_2 = (5/6)(x_3-3x_4)$$
                $$x_5 =frac{-3(15-6x_6+2x_3x_6^2)}{5x_3-15x_4-6x_4x_6}$$

                This satisfies the first 3 equations and the 4th becomes a quadratic in $x_4$,

                $$text{Poly}_1 x_4^2+text{Poly}_2 x_4+text{Poly}_3=0$$

                You simply solve the linear equation,

                $$text{Poly}_1 = -155 + 25 x_3 - 38 x_6 + 20 x_3 x_6 = 0$$

                for $x_6$, thus,

                $$x_4 =-frac{text{Poly}_3}{text{Poly}_2}$$

                with free parameter $x_3$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                If your question boils down to the system,

                $$(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$$

                then, YES, this system has infinitely many rational solutions. If you let,

                $$x_1 = x_4 x_5-x_3 x_6$$
                $$x_2 = (5/6)(x_3-3x_4)$$
                $$x_5 =frac{-3(15-6x_6+2x_3x_6^2)}{5x_3-15x_4-6x_4x_6}$$

                This satisfies the first 3 equations and the 4th becomes a quadratic in $x_4$,

                $$text{Poly}_1 x_4^2+text{Poly}_2 x_4+text{Poly}_3=0$$

                You simply solve the linear equation,

                $$text{Poly}_1 = -155 + 25 x_3 - 38 x_6 + 20 x_3 x_6 = 0$$

                for $x_6$, thus,

                $$x_4 =-frac{text{Poly}_3}{text{Poly}_2}$$

                with free parameter $x_3$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                answered Dec 1 '18 at 15:28

                Tito Piezas III




                    Above simultaneous equations shown below has numerical solutions:

                    $(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$







                    The solution provided by Tito Piezas in this context

                    actually requires solving a cubic equation instead of

                    a quadratic equation as mentioned by him.

                    (Note by Tito Piezas): My solution is a cubic in the variable $x_3$, but only a quadratic in $color{red}{x_4}$. This is easily verified using Mathematica.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    • Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the explicit solution.
                      – E. Joseph
                      Dec 2 '18 at 19:22

                    • You are welcome
                      – Sam
                      Dec 2 '18 at 20:40

                    • In my answer, I was careful to say it is a quadratic in the variable $color{red}{x_4}$. Your comment applies to the variable $x_3$.
                      – Tito Piezas III
                      2 days ago


                    Above simultaneous equations shown below has numerical solutions:

                    $(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$







                    The solution provided by Tito Piezas in this context

                    actually requires solving a cubic equation instead of

                    a quadratic equation as mentioned by him.

                    (Note by Tito Piezas): My solution is a cubic in the variable $x_3$, but only a quadratic in $color{red}{x_4}$. This is easily verified using Mathematica.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    • Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the explicit solution.
                      – E. Joseph
                      Dec 2 '18 at 19:22

                    • You are welcome
                      – Sam
                      Dec 2 '18 at 20:40

                    • In my answer, I was careful to say it is a quadratic in the variable $color{red}{x_4}$. Your comment applies to the variable $x_3$.
                      – Tito Piezas III
                      2 days ago




                    Above simultaneous equations shown below has numerical solutions:

                    $(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$







                    The solution provided by Tito Piezas in this context

                    actually requires solving a cubic equation instead of

                    a quadratic equation as mentioned by him.

                    (Note by Tito Piezas): My solution is a cubic in the variable $x_3$, but only a quadratic in $color{red}{x_4}$. This is easily verified using Mathematica.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    Above simultaneous equations shown below has numerical solutions:

                    $(mathscr S)quad begin{cases} 2x_2x_5-2x_1x_6-6x_6+15=0 \ -3x_4x_5+3x_3x_6+3x_1=0 \ 6x_2-5x_3+15x_4=0 \ 6x_2x_3+6x_1x_4+10x_1-30x_2-15x_5+30=0.end{cases}$







                    The solution provided by Tito Piezas in this context

                    actually requires solving a cubic equation instead of

                    a quadratic equation as mentioned by him.

                    (Note by Tito Piezas): My solution is a cubic in the variable $x_3$, but only a quadratic in $color{red}{x_4}$. This is easily verified using Mathematica.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    edited 2 days ago

                    Tito Piezas III



                    answered Dec 2 '18 at 15:40




                    • Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the explicit solution.
                      – E. Joseph
                      Dec 2 '18 at 19:22

                    • You are welcome
                      – Sam
                      Dec 2 '18 at 20:40

                    • In my answer, I was careful to say it is a quadratic in the variable $color{red}{x_4}$. Your comment applies to the variable $x_3$.
                      – Tito Piezas III
                      2 days ago

                    • Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the explicit solution.
                      – E. Joseph
                      Dec 2 '18 at 19:22

                    • You are welcome
                      – Sam
                      Dec 2 '18 at 20:40

                    • In my answer, I was careful to say it is a quadratic in the variable $color{red}{x_4}$. Your comment applies to the variable $x_3$.
                      – Tito Piezas III
                      2 days ago

                    Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the explicit solution.
                    – E. Joseph
                    Dec 2 '18 at 19:22

                    Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the explicit solution.
                    – E. Joseph
                    Dec 2 '18 at 19:22

                    You are welcome
                    – Sam
                    Dec 2 '18 at 20:40

                    You are welcome
                    – Sam
                    Dec 2 '18 at 20:40

                    In my answer, I was careful to say it is a quadratic in the variable $color{red}{x_4}$. Your comment applies to the variable $x_3$.
                    – Tito Piezas III
                    2 days ago

                    In my answer, I was careful to say it is a quadratic in the variable $color{red}{x_4}$. Your comment applies to the variable $x_3$.
                    – Tito Piezas III
                    2 days ago

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