Create multiple txt (Text_01.txt — Text_50.txt) file with the file name and current date stamp [closed]

up vote
down vote


Could somebody help me to write a script in Powershell to
create 50 .txt files with date and the name of the file in every file?
And then rename them and add the new name and date to the second line?

share|improve this question

closed as too broad by Matt, TheIncorrigible1, dfundako, LotPings, gnat Nov 20 at 6:45

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    Wow. This actually got 3 answers.
    – dfundako
    Nov 19 at 21:20

up vote
down vote


Could somebody help me to write a script in Powershell to
create 50 .txt files with date and the name of the file in every file?
And then rename them and add the new name and date to the second line?

share|improve this question

closed as too broad by Matt, TheIncorrigible1, dfundako, LotPings, gnat Nov 20 at 6:45

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    Wow. This actually got 3 answers.
    – dfundako
    Nov 19 at 21:20

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Could somebody help me to write a script in Powershell to
create 50 .txt files with date and the name of the file in every file?
And then rename them and add the new name and date to the second line?

share|improve this question

Could somebody help me to write a script in Powershell to
create 50 .txt files with date and the name of the file in every file?
And then rename them and add the new name and date to the second line?

windows powershell

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 19 at 22:07




asked Nov 19 at 20:06

Xebat Rammo



closed as too broad by Matt, TheIncorrigible1, dfundako, LotPings, gnat Nov 20 at 6:45

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as too broad by Matt, TheIncorrigible1, dfundako, LotPings, gnat Nov 20 at 6:45

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    Wow. This actually got 3 answers.
    – dfundako
    Nov 19 at 21:20

  • 2

    Wow. This actually got 3 answers.
    – dfundako
    Nov 19 at 21:20



Wow. This actually got 3 answers.
– dfundako
Nov 19 at 21:20

Wow. This actually got 3 answers.
– dfundako
Nov 19 at 21:20

3 Answers




up vote
down vote


IMO you are a bit stressing the goodwill of people answering,

and not any upvote yet.

## Q:Test20181119SO_53381881.ps1
$DestPath = $ENV:TMP
1..50 | ForEach-Object {
$Now = [datetime]::Now
$NewName = "{0}{1:00}.txt" -f $DestPath,$_
New-Item -Path $NewName -ItemType 'File' -Force -Value "$NewName $Now`n" |Out-Null

## output current content
gci $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt |sort name| gc

## rename by getting current numbers with a regex and subtracting 1
Get-ChildItem $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt |sort name|
Where-Object BaseName -match "^(?<Number>d{2})$"| ForEach-Object {
$NewName = "{0}{1:00}{2}" -f $_.DirectoryName,([int]$Matches.Number -1),$_.Extension
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName $NewName
Add-Content -Path $NewName -Value "$NewName $Now`n"
## output new current content
gci $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt | gc

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    One liner:

    1..50 | ForEach-Object {New-Item  -Path "C:temp$($_.ToString("00"))_$(Get-Date -Format 'yy-mm-dd').txt"} 

    or if you want to write stuff to the file, and have something more readable

    foreach ($N in 1..50){
    $FilePath = "C:temp"
    $FileName = "Text_$($N.ToString("00")).txt"
    New-Item -Path "$FilePath$FileName"
    $Date = Get-Date
    Add-Content -Path "$FilePath$FileName" -Value $FileName
    Add-Content -Path "$FilePath$FileName" -Value $Date.ToString("hh:mm:ss dd/MM/yy")

    note you will want to fiddle with the $Date.ToString() bit to allow for reigonal diferences.

    share|improve this answer

    • right I changed it then
      – BaronW
      Nov 19 at 20:46

    • would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
      – Xebat Rammo
      Nov 19 at 21:01

    up vote
    down vote

    here's an alternate method. it breaks out most of the $Vars as individual items to make the process a tad more clear ... [grin]

    $DestDir = $env:TEMP
    $FNamePrefix = 'Text_'
    $FNameExt = '.txt'

    # if you want the file content to be all on one line, remove this $Var from the "Set-Content" line
    $NewLine = [environment]::NewLine

    $FileCount = 5
    foreach ($Count in 1..$FileCount)
    $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
    # create a left-padded 2 digit number string
    $Number = '{0:D2}' -f $Count
    $FileName = -join ($FNamePrefix, $Number, $FNameExt)
    $FullFileName = Join-Path -Path $DestDir -ChildPath $FileName

    # this will create the file or overwrite any pre-existing one
    # the "-Value" stuff will be in the file
    # to put the info all on one line use the following for the "-Value" info
    # ""$TimeStamp; $FileName"
    Set-Content -LiteralPath $FullFileName -Value "$TimeStamp$NewLine$FileName" -Force

    there is no on-screen output. the content of the 1st file is ...

    2018-11-19 15:00:51

    the name of that file is Text_01.txt. [grin]

    share|improve this answer

    • would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
      – Xebat Rammo
      Nov 19 at 21:06

    • @XebatRammo - what changed? i thot you wanted to create the files with the create date/time and the file name in the file. now ... is this a different thing?
      – Lee_Dailey
      Nov 19 at 21:13

    • well am trying to create about 50 text files and then rename them without losing any line in the file.
      – Xebat Rammo
      Nov 19 at 21:18

    • @XebatRammo - rename them how? subtract one from the digits on the end? this step was not mentioned in your OP ... [grin]
      – Lee_Dailey
      Nov 19 at 21:39

    • @ Lee_Dailey i know am sorry am very new here :/ as i mentioned before am trying to create 50 .txt file with the current date and then rename them but am trying to add the new name and the new date to every file. i'll appreciate it if you could help me with this
      – Xebat Rammo
      Nov 19 at 21:45

    3 Answers




    3 Answers










    up vote
    down vote


    IMO you are a bit stressing the goodwill of people answering,

    and not any upvote yet.

    ## Q:Test20181119SO_53381881.ps1
    $DestPath = $ENV:TMP
    1..50 | ForEach-Object {
    $Now = [datetime]::Now
    $NewName = "{0}{1:00}.txt" -f $DestPath,$_
    New-Item -Path $NewName -ItemType 'File' -Force -Value "$NewName $Now`n" |Out-Null

    ## output current content
    gci $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt |sort name| gc

    ## rename by getting current numbers with a regex and subtracting 1
    Get-ChildItem $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt |sort name|
    Where-Object BaseName -match "^(?<Number>d{2})$"| ForEach-Object {
    $NewName = "{0}{1:00}{2}" -f $_.DirectoryName,([int]$Matches.Number -1),$_.Extension
    $_ | Rename-Item -NewName $NewName
    Add-Content -Path $NewName -Value "$NewName $Now`n"
    ## output new current content
    gci $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt | gc

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote


      IMO you are a bit stressing the goodwill of people answering,

      and not any upvote yet.

      ## Q:Test20181119SO_53381881.ps1
      $DestPath = $ENV:TMP
      1..50 | ForEach-Object {
      $Now = [datetime]::Now
      $NewName = "{0}{1:00}.txt" -f $DestPath,$_
      New-Item -Path $NewName -ItemType 'File' -Force -Value "$NewName $Now`n" |Out-Null

      ## output current content
      gci $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt |sort name| gc

      ## rename by getting current numbers with a regex and subtracting 1
      Get-ChildItem $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt |sort name|
      Where-Object BaseName -match "^(?<Number>d{2})$"| ForEach-Object {
      $NewName = "{0}{1:00}{2}" -f $_.DirectoryName,([int]$Matches.Number -1),$_.Extension
      $_ | Rename-Item -NewName $NewName
      Add-Content -Path $NewName -Value "$NewName $Now`n"
      ## output new current content
      gci $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt | gc

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote


        up vote
        down vote


        IMO you are a bit stressing the goodwill of people answering,

        and not any upvote yet.

        ## Q:Test20181119SO_53381881.ps1
        $DestPath = $ENV:TMP
        1..50 | ForEach-Object {
        $Now = [datetime]::Now
        $NewName = "{0}{1:00}.txt" -f $DestPath,$_
        New-Item -Path $NewName -ItemType 'File' -Force -Value "$NewName $Now`n" |Out-Null

        ## output current content
        gci $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt |sort name| gc

        ## rename by getting current numbers with a regex and subtracting 1
        Get-ChildItem $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt |sort name|
        Where-Object BaseName -match "^(?<Number>d{2})$"| ForEach-Object {
        $NewName = "{0}{1:00}{2}" -f $_.DirectoryName,([int]$Matches.Number -1),$_.Extension
        $_ | Rename-Item -NewName $NewName
        Add-Content -Path $NewName -Value "$NewName $Now`n"
        ## output new current content
        gci $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt | gc

        share|improve this answer

        IMO you are a bit stressing the goodwill of people answering,

        and not any upvote yet.

        ## Q:Test20181119SO_53381881.ps1
        $DestPath = $ENV:TMP
        1..50 | ForEach-Object {
        $Now = [datetime]::Now
        $NewName = "{0}{1:00}.txt" -f $DestPath,$_
        New-Item -Path $NewName -ItemType 'File' -Force -Value "$NewName $Now`n" |Out-Null

        ## output current content
        gci $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt |sort name| gc

        ## rename by getting current numbers with a regex and subtracting 1
        Get-ChildItem $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt |sort name|
        Where-Object BaseName -match "^(?<Number>d{2})$"| ForEach-Object {
        $NewName = "{0}{1:00}{2}" -f $_.DirectoryName,([int]$Matches.Number -1),$_.Extension
        $_ | Rename-Item -NewName $NewName
        Add-Content -Path $NewName -Value "$NewName $Now`n"
        ## output new current content
        gci $Env:TMP[0-9][0-9].txt | gc

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Nov 19 at 21:51

        answered Nov 19 at 21:13




            up vote
            down vote

            One liner:

            1..50 | ForEach-Object {New-Item  -Path "C:temp$($_.ToString("00"))_$(Get-Date -Format 'yy-mm-dd').txt"} 

            or if you want to write stuff to the file, and have something more readable

            foreach ($N in 1..50){
            $FilePath = "C:temp"
            $FileName = "Text_$($N.ToString("00")).txt"
            New-Item -Path "$FilePath$FileName"
            $Date = Get-Date
            Add-Content -Path "$FilePath$FileName" -Value $FileName
            Add-Content -Path "$FilePath$FileName" -Value $Date.ToString("hh:mm:ss dd/MM/yy")

            note you will want to fiddle with the $Date.ToString() bit to allow for reigonal diferences.

            share|improve this answer

            • right I changed it then
              – BaronW
              Nov 19 at 20:46

            • would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:01

            up vote
            down vote

            One liner:

            1..50 | ForEach-Object {New-Item  -Path "C:temp$($_.ToString("00"))_$(Get-Date -Format 'yy-mm-dd').txt"} 

            or if you want to write stuff to the file, and have something more readable

            foreach ($N in 1..50){
            $FilePath = "C:temp"
            $FileName = "Text_$($N.ToString("00")).txt"
            New-Item -Path "$FilePath$FileName"
            $Date = Get-Date
            Add-Content -Path "$FilePath$FileName" -Value $FileName
            Add-Content -Path "$FilePath$FileName" -Value $Date.ToString("hh:mm:ss dd/MM/yy")

            note you will want to fiddle with the $Date.ToString() bit to allow for reigonal diferences.

            share|improve this answer

            • right I changed it then
              – BaronW
              Nov 19 at 20:46

            • would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:01

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            One liner:

            1..50 | ForEach-Object {New-Item  -Path "C:temp$($_.ToString("00"))_$(Get-Date -Format 'yy-mm-dd').txt"} 

            or if you want to write stuff to the file, and have something more readable

            foreach ($N in 1..50){
            $FilePath = "C:temp"
            $FileName = "Text_$($N.ToString("00")).txt"
            New-Item -Path "$FilePath$FileName"
            $Date = Get-Date
            Add-Content -Path "$FilePath$FileName" -Value $FileName
            Add-Content -Path "$FilePath$FileName" -Value $Date.ToString("hh:mm:ss dd/MM/yy")

            note you will want to fiddle with the $Date.ToString() bit to allow for reigonal diferences.

            share|improve this answer

            One liner:

            1..50 | ForEach-Object {New-Item  -Path "C:temp$($_.ToString("00"))_$(Get-Date -Format 'yy-mm-dd').txt"} 

            or if you want to write stuff to the file, and have something more readable

            foreach ($N in 1..50){
            $FilePath = "C:temp"
            $FileName = "Text_$($N.ToString("00")).txt"
            New-Item -Path "$FilePath$FileName"
            $Date = Get-Date
            Add-Content -Path "$FilePath$FileName" -Value $FileName
            Add-Content -Path "$FilePath$FileName" -Value $Date.ToString("hh:mm:ss dd/MM/yy")

            note you will want to fiddle with the $Date.ToString() bit to allow for reigonal diferences.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            edited Nov 19 at 20:46

            answered Nov 19 at 20:16




            • right I changed it then
              – BaronW
              Nov 19 at 20:46

            • would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:01

            • right I changed it then
              – BaronW
              Nov 19 at 20:46

            • would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:01

            right I changed it then
            – BaronW
            Nov 19 at 20:46

            right I changed it then
            – BaronW
            Nov 19 at 20:46

            would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
            – Xebat Rammo
            Nov 19 at 21:01

            would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
            – Xebat Rammo
            Nov 19 at 21:01

            up vote
            down vote

            here's an alternate method. it breaks out most of the $Vars as individual items to make the process a tad more clear ... [grin]

            $DestDir = $env:TEMP
            $FNamePrefix = 'Text_'
            $FNameExt = '.txt'

            # if you want the file content to be all on one line, remove this $Var from the "Set-Content" line
            $NewLine = [environment]::NewLine

            $FileCount = 5
            foreach ($Count in 1..$FileCount)
            $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
            # create a left-padded 2 digit number string
            $Number = '{0:D2}' -f $Count
            $FileName = -join ($FNamePrefix, $Number, $FNameExt)
            $FullFileName = Join-Path -Path $DestDir -ChildPath $FileName

            # this will create the file or overwrite any pre-existing one
            # the "-Value" stuff will be in the file
            # to put the info all on one line use the following for the "-Value" info
            # ""$TimeStamp; $FileName"
            Set-Content -LiteralPath $FullFileName -Value "$TimeStamp$NewLine$FileName" -Force

            there is no on-screen output. the content of the 1st file is ...

            2018-11-19 15:00:51

            the name of that file is Text_01.txt. [grin]

            share|improve this answer

            • would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:06

            • @XebatRammo - what changed? i thot you wanted to create the files with the create date/time and the file name in the file. now ... is this a different thing?
              – Lee_Dailey
              Nov 19 at 21:13

            • well am trying to create about 50 text files and then rename them without losing any line in the file.
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:18

            • @XebatRammo - rename them how? subtract one from the digits on the end? this step was not mentioned in your OP ... [grin]
              – Lee_Dailey
              Nov 19 at 21:39

            • @ Lee_Dailey i know am sorry am very new here :/ as i mentioned before am trying to create 50 .txt file with the current date and then rename them but am trying to add the new name and the new date to every file. i'll appreciate it if you could help me with this
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:45

            up vote
            down vote

            here's an alternate method. it breaks out most of the $Vars as individual items to make the process a tad more clear ... [grin]

            $DestDir = $env:TEMP
            $FNamePrefix = 'Text_'
            $FNameExt = '.txt'

            # if you want the file content to be all on one line, remove this $Var from the "Set-Content" line
            $NewLine = [environment]::NewLine

            $FileCount = 5
            foreach ($Count in 1..$FileCount)
            $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
            # create a left-padded 2 digit number string
            $Number = '{0:D2}' -f $Count
            $FileName = -join ($FNamePrefix, $Number, $FNameExt)
            $FullFileName = Join-Path -Path $DestDir -ChildPath $FileName

            # this will create the file or overwrite any pre-existing one
            # the "-Value" stuff will be in the file
            # to put the info all on one line use the following for the "-Value" info
            # ""$TimeStamp; $FileName"
            Set-Content -LiteralPath $FullFileName -Value "$TimeStamp$NewLine$FileName" -Force

            there is no on-screen output. the content of the 1st file is ...

            2018-11-19 15:00:51

            the name of that file is Text_01.txt. [grin]

            share|improve this answer

            • would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:06

            • @XebatRammo - what changed? i thot you wanted to create the files with the create date/time and the file name in the file. now ... is this a different thing?
              – Lee_Dailey
              Nov 19 at 21:13

            • well am trying to create about 50 text files and then rename them without losing any line in the file.
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:18

            • @XebatRammo - rename them how? subtract one from the digits on the end? this step was not mentioned in your OP ... [grin]
              – Lee_Dailey
              Nov 19 at 21:39

            • @ Lee_Dailey i know am sorry am very new here :/ as i mentioned before am trying to create 50 .txt file with the current date and then rename them but am trying to add the new name and the new date to every file. i'll appreciate it if you could help me with this
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:45

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            here's an alternate method. it breaks out most of the $Vars as individual items to make the process a tad more clear ... [grin]

            $DestDir = $env:TEMP
            $FNamePrefix = 'Text_'
            $FNameExt = '.txt'

            # if you want the file content to be all on one line, remove this $Var from the "Set-Content" line
            $NewLine = [environment]::NewLine

            $FileCount = 5
            foreach ($Count in 1..$FileCount)
            $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
            # create a left-padded 2 digit number string
            $Number = '{0:D2}' -f $Count
            $FileName = -join ($FNamePrefix, $Number, $FNameExt)
            $FullFileName = Join-Path -Path $DestDir -ChildPath $FileName

            # this will create the file or overwrite any pre-existing one
            # the "-Value" stuff will be in the file
            # to put the info all on one line use the following for the "-Value" info
            # ""$TimeStamp; $FileName"
            Set-Content -LiteralPath $FullFileName -Value "$TimeStamp$NewLine$FileName" -Force

            there is no on-screen output. the content of the 1st file is ...

            2018-11-19 15:00:51

            the name of that file is Text_01.txt. [grin]

            share|improve this answer

            here's an alternate method. it breaks out most of the $Vars as individual items to make the process a tad more clear ... [grin]

            $DestDir = $env:TEMP
            $FNamePrefix = 'Text_'
            $FNameExt = '.txt'

            # if you want the file content to be all on one line, remove this $Var from the "Set-Content" line
            $NewLine = [environment]::NewLine

            $FileCount = 5
            foreach ($Count in 1..$FileCount)
            $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
            # create a left-padded 2 digit number string
            $Number = '{0:D2}' -f $Count
            $FileName = -join ($FNamePrefix, $Number, $FNameExt)
            $FullFileName = Join-Path -Path $DestDir -ChildPath $FileName

            # this will create the file or overwrite any pre-existing one
            # the "-Value" stuff will be in the file
            # to put the info all on one line use the following for the "-Value" info
            # ""$TimeStamp; $FileName"
            Set-Content -LiteralPath $FullFileName -Value "$TimeStamp$NewLine$FileName" -Force

            there is no on-screen output. the content of the 1st file is ...

            2018-11-19 15:00:51

            the name of that file is Text_01.txt. [grin]

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Nov 19 at 21:04




            • would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:06

            • @XebatRammo - what changed? i thot you wanted to create the files with the create date/time and the file name in the file. now ... is this a different thing?
              – Lee_Dailey
              Nov 19 at 21:13

            • well am trying to create about 50 text files and then rename them without losing any line in the file.
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:18

            • @XebatRammo - rename them how? subtract one from the digits on the end? this step was not mentioned in your OP ... [grin]
              – Lee_Dailey
              Nov 19 at 21:39

            • @ Lee_Dailey i know am sorry am very new here :/ as i mentioned before am trying to create 50 .txt file with the current date and then rename them but am trying to add the new name and the new date to every file. i'll appreciate it if you could help me with this
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:45

            • would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:06

            • @XebatRammo - what changed? i thot you wanted to create the files with the create date/time and the file name in the file. now ... is this a different thing?
              – Lee_Dailey
              Nov 19 at 21:13

            • well am trying to create about 50 text files and then rename them without losing any line in the file.
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:18

            • @XebatRammo - rename them how? subtract one from the digits on the end? this step was not mentioned in your OP ... [grin]
              – Lee_Dailey
              Nov 19 at 21:39

            • @ Lee_Dailey i know am sorry am very new here :/ as i mentioned before am trying to create 50 .txt file with the current date and then rename them but am trying to add the new name and the new date to every file. i'll appreciate it if you could help me with this
              – Xebat Rammo
              Nov 19 at 21:45

            would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
            – Xebat Rammo
            Nov 19 at 21:06

            would it be possible to rename all files for example Text_01 --> Text_00 and so on and then add a new line to the file with the new file name and new date? many of thanks
            – Xebat Rammo
            Nov 19 at 21:06

            @XebatRammo - what changed? i thot you wanted to create the files with the create date/time and the file name in the file. now ... is this a different thing?
            – Lee_Dailey
            Nov 19 at 21:13

            @XebatRammo - what changed? i thot you wanted to create the files with the create date/time and the file name in the file. now ... is this a different thing?
            – Lee_Dailey
            Nov 19 at 21:13

            well am trying to create about 50 text files and then rename them without losing any line in the file.
            – Xebat Rammo
            Nov 19 at 21:18

            well am trying to create about 50 text files and then rename them without losing any line in the file.
            – Xebat Rammo
            Nov 19 at 21:18

            @XebatRammo - rename them how? subtract one from the digits on the end? this step was not mentioned in your OP ... [grin]
            – Lee_Dailey
            Nov 19 at 21:39

            @XebatRammo - rename them how? subtract one from the digits on the end? this step was not mentioned in your OP ... [grin]
            – Lee_Dailey
            Nov 19 at 21:39

            @ Lee_Dailey i know am sorry am very new here :/ as i mentioned before am trying to create 50 .txt file with the current date and then rename them but am trying to add the new name and the new date to every file. i'll appreciate it if you could help me with this
            – Xebat Rammo
            Nov 19 at 21:45

            @ Lee_Dailey i know am sorry am very new here :/ as i mentioned before am trying to create 50 .txt file with the current date and then rename them but am trying to add the new name and the new date to every file. i'll appreciate it if you could help me with this
            – Xebat Rammo
            Nov 19 at 21:45

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